Easily Create an SMSF Investment Strategy

Navigate the complex world of SMSFs with the SIS Genie. Our online tool makes it easy for Trustees to prepare a complying Investment Strategy

Get the most out of your SMSF

Our online resources will help you get the most out of your self-managed super fund.

Explore key issues vital for those starting out with SMSFs and those looking for greater understanding of their existing funds. Our online tools and guides have been developed to help you understand and confidently navigate the sometimes complex world of SMSFs.
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SIS Genie – a SMSF Online Strategy Generator

SIS Genie helps SMSF Trustees create their own Investment Strategy that complies with the rules that govern Self Managed Funds.
The SIS Genie questionnaire makes it easy for Trustees to prepare a complying Investment Strategy tailored to your specifc circumstances.


SMSF Guide

Why Start a SMSF?

The popularity of self-managed superannuation (SMSFs) is impressive by any standard. SMSFs make up the biggest segment of the $2.3 trillion superannuation investments. Over the last decade, SMSF assets have trebled in size to $700 billion, which represents nearly 30% of total superannuation assets in Australia. It is expected that SMSFs will continue to grow by 5% each year.


Find out

How to Create a Proper SMSF Strategy.

Trustees of Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) are required to meet many legal obligations under Australian regulations. One of the most important obligations is to formulate and implement of a comprehensive and considered investment strategy which is required to be tabled in the minutes of its annual general meetings and be made available to each member of the SMSF on request.


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With the right expertise, you can confidently navigate the complex world of SMSFs. Submit your question online now!

Did You Know?

It’s a legal requirement to have a detailed and well-conceived SMSF investment strategy

Recent changes to the regulations governing SMSFs reflect the concerns of the ATO that SMSF trustees are not adequately managing the investments of their Funds

Now, not only is it a legal requirement to have an investment strategy but also the strategy must be reviewed and “given effect” on a regular basis.

In order to be compliant with regulations, Self-Managed Super Funds need to prepare and implement a comprehensive and thorough investment strategy. Trustees who do not follow a defined investment strategy risk fines and other penalties from the Australian Taxation Office

Get Started

Make the most of your SMSF. Create your own investment strategy. Take control.

SMSF Strategy is an online resource that helps SMSF Trustees and Members to get the most from their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund.

Build your knowledge and keep ahead of the game. SMSF Strategy provides a breakdown of the key issues affecting SMSF in Australia. Engage and discuss with these experts – our “ask a specialist“ section lets you engage and discuss key issues with leading experts in SMSF.

If you are looking for peace of mind that your strategy meets all required regulations, we can connect you with a SMSF expert for an obligation free discussion.


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